CIS800: Techniques in Approximation Algorithms, Fall 2010

Instructor: Deeparnab Chakrabarty
Time: Thrusday, noon - 2:50pm
Location: Levine 612

Course Description
Most optimization problems turn out to be NP-hard and this has led to the study of algorithms which return an approximate solution in polynomial time. Over the past three decades, many techniques have been developed for the design and analysis of approximation algorithms. In this course, we will survey these techniques illustrating their applications on various optimization problems.

Recommended Material
Update: A non-printable copy of the book is available now at the book's website!
Course packet: "The Design of Approximation Algorithms" by David Shmoys and David Williamson. Available at Levine 166, IKON copy centre.

Problem Sets
There will be 3 to 4 problem sets. Usually, I'll post problems and keep on adding it till I put a due date (which'll be 2 to 3 weeks from the posted date). There will be starred problems (possibly more difficult) which need not be submitted. All submissions have to be texed+pdffed+emailed. Proofs, when needed, need not be detailed; an idea will suffice.
(Set 1)   (Set 2)

For some of the lectures, I will provide a pdf of my rough notes that I use to prepare for it. Later on, if and when time constraints prevent me from latexing my rough notes (very likely), I would require a scribe for that lecture. I don't read the notes I write more than twice, and it is more likely than not that they contain errors. Please point these out to me via email and I'll make the necessary changes. Three major errors may make up for a problem in the problem set.